Thursday, April 22, 2010

FirstEnergy Ohio Utilities File Stipulated Electric Security Plan

The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and Toledo Edison, utility companies of Akron, Ohio-based FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE: FE), today filed a stipulated Electric Security Plan (ESP) with the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). The stipulated ESP has the support of a broad and diverse number of parties, including the PUCO Staff, the Ohio Schools Council, the City of Cleveland, Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy, hospitals, manufacturers and competitive electricity suppliers.
"We appreciate the efforts of the signatory parties to reach an agreement that will provide rate stability for customers, support jobs and economic development in our communities, and encourage continued investment in our utility infrastructure," said Anthony J. Alexander, president and chief executive officer of FirstEnergy. "This proposal also supports the continued development of the competitive electricity marketplace in Ohio and provides support for low-income customers and energy efficiency enhancements."

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