Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: IV-24-014 September 9, 2024
NRC Begins Special Inspection at South Texas Project Nuclear Power Plant
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has begun a special inspection at the South Texas Project nuclear power plant in response to two recent events there. The first occurred May 12 when a transformer that supplies offsite power to the station shut down unexpectedly, causing an unplanned shutdown of Unit 2. The second event occurred July 24 when a fire in an electrical switchyard at the site caused an unplanned shutdown of Unit 1.
During each event, there were unexpected safety equipment issues that the NRC will review. “While these events didn’t present a threat to public health and safety, we want to conduct a thorough review of the circumstances that led to these unplanned shutdowns,” said Region IV Administrator John Monninger. “We will review the company’s actions in response to these events and determine whether appropriate steps are being taken to address equipment issues.”
During both events, NRC resident inspectors, permanently stationed at the plant, independently monitored plant conditions, reviewed the company’s initial corrective actions, and monitored the plant’s restart several days later.
An inspection report will be issued about 45 days after the inspection is completed and will be available on the NRC website.