Thursday, September 26, 2024

Help Stop Nuclear Expansion!

Nuclear Information and Resource Service

Dear Eric, 

Nuclear power is being falsely presented as a solution to the climate crisis, but the truth is that it creates far more problems than the ones it fails to solve. Nuclear energy is not only dangerous and costly, but it also leaves behind radioactive waste that will haunt generations to come. And yet, governments and corporations across the globe are pushing for a massive expansion of nuclear power plants–risking our safety and the environment.

At NIRS, we know that real solutions to climate change lie in clean, renewable energy sources like wind and solar—not in outdated, hazardous, and wasteful nuclear technology. That's why we are on the frontlines, fighting alongside you, to stop this dangerous nuclear expansion in the U.S. and around the world.

Here’s what’s at stake:

  • Billions in Taxpayer Dollars are being funneled into pro-nuclear policies and projects, while affordable and safe renewable energy solutions are being neglected thanks to huge amounts of pro-nuclear lobbying on the Hill.
  • Communities at Risk: The construction of nuclear reactors puts countless communities—often low-income and marginalized populations—in danger of radiation leaks, accidents, and long-term health impacts.
  • Nuclear Waste: New reactors will produce more toxic, radioactive waste, which STILL has no safe, long-term storage solution and threatens ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.

We cannot allow this dangerous industry to grow unchecked. That’s why we are working tirelessly to expose the true costs of nuclear power and advocate for real climate solutions.

But we need your support.

Your donation will help us:

  • Challenge and halt new nuclear projects across the US.
  • Mobilize communities and policymakers to support renewable energy alternatives.
  • Provide education and resources to inform the public about the dangers of nuclear energy and the benefits of sustainable, safe power.
  • Push for stronger regulations and hold the nuclear industry accountable for its environmental and health impacts.
  • Fight back against the pro-nuke lobbyists flooding politicians’ time and opinions with dangerous and deceitful rhetoric about a so-called “nuclear renaissance.”

Will you stand with us? Your contribution today will make a critical difference in our fight to stop nuclear expansion and champion a future powered by clean, renewable energy.

Donate Now to help us build a nuclear-free, sustainable future for generations to come.

Together, we can stop the nuclear industry's dangerous expansion and create a world where clean, renewable energy is the norm. Thank you for standing with us in this fight



Join the fight and follow us on social media!

P.S. Your donation is tax-deductible and will directly support our efforts to promote Energy Democracy, a renewable energy grid future, and workers' rights in the energy sector. Please consider giving today!

In solidarity,  

The NIRS Team 

Diane D’Arrigo 

Denise Jakobsberg 

Tim Judson 

Ann McCann 

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