Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Eric Epstein: Three Mile Island cleanup must be fully funded

Eric Epstein: Three Mile Island cleanup must be fully funded

Eric Epstein

ERIC EPSTEIN | Saturday, December 26, 2020 7:00 p.m.


Three Mile Island

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) recently granted approval for the transfer of the license of Three Mile Island Unit-2 (TMI-2) from FirstEnergy, a public utility, to TMI-2 Solutions, a limited liability corporation based in Utah. The NRC approved the license transfer without holding a hearing. TMI-Alert speaks in opposition to such a move.

Why should you be concerned about the transfer of a license from a damaged nuclear power plant? The reality is that there is not enough money to clean up Three Mile Island. Any shortfall will require a bailout from Pennsylvania taxpayers. TMI’s underfunded cleanup fund should serve as a cautionary tale for taxpayers in Western Pennsylvania.

Three Mile Island Unit-2 was built at a cost to ratepayers of $700 million. The plant was over budget and behind schedule. The planned operating life of the plant was 40 years. At the time of the core melt accident on March 28, 1979, TMI had operated for just 90 days. There were no decommissioning funds set aside.

In 1982, Gov. Richard Thornburgh cobbled together a $1 billion fund to pay for the removal of the damaged fuel. But funding problems did not go away.

Following the accident at TMI-2 , the NRC created the TMI-2 Advisory Panel. The Advisory Panel met 78 times in the vicinity of TMI-2, and met regularly with NRC commissioners. Inadequate funding for TMI-2’s future closure was a constant concern expressed by the advisory panel.

These concerns have become reality. On March 26, 2018, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission estimated the decommissioning price tag for TMI-2 to be $1.266 billion. The cost to clean up TMI-2, based on FirstEnergy’s most recent estimates, is $1.4 billion. That amount doesn’t cover the cost to remove radio­active waste from the island.

The NRC recently granted FirstEnergy approval, without a hearing, to transfer TMI-2’s license. The new owner, TMI-2 Solutions, is a limited liability corporation from Utah with no assets. The problem remains the same, except the underfunded cleanup plan has been handed off from a public utility to a private venture.

There is approximately $900 million in the cleanup fund, which is $500 million less than is needed to get the job done. Still, in defiance of logic, the NRC granted the license transfer to TMI-2 Solutions. What happens if TMI-2 Solutions runs out of money? You can bet it will not be a limited liability company picking up the tab.

Regardless of anyone’s position on nuclear power, or party affiliation, funding should be in place to accomplish a complete cleanup, and ensure removal of high-level radioactive waste from Three Mile Island.

The TMI cleanup funding dilemma is a warning for taxpayers in Western Pennsylvania. Beaver Valley Nuclear Station, like TMI-2, was owned by FirstEnergy.

In 2018, FirstEnergy Solutions filed for bankruptcy and announced it would deactivate Beaver Valley. In bankruptcy documents filed in 2019, FirstEnergy estimated it would cost $380 million to decommission Unit 1, and an additional $367 million to decommission Unit 2.

Beaver Valley was on the verge of closing in 2021. Its new owner, Energy Harbor, emerged out of the FirstEnergy Solutions bankruptcy. 

What’s next? Who pays to clean up Beaver Valley when the decommissioning funds come up short?

Eric Epstein is chairman of Three Mile Island Alert Inc. (www.tmia.com).

Friday, December 25, 2020

Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 - Request for Additional Information - TSTF-505 (EPID L-2019-LLA-0120)

Subject:  Peach Bottom Units 2 and 3 - Request for Additional Information - TSTF-505 (EPID L-2019-LLA-0120)

ADAMS Accession No. ML20357A097

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

NRC Names Mirela Gavrilas Director, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response

Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 20-061 December 22, 2020
CONTACT: Office of Public Affairs, 301-415-8200

NRC Names Mirela Gavrilas Director, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission today announced the appointment of Mirela Gavrilas as director, Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, effective with the retirement of Brian Holian on Dec. 31, 2020.

Gavrilas, who joined the NRC in 2004 as a reactor systems engineer in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Research, currently serves as the deputy office director for Reactor Safety Programs and Mission Support in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. She is recognized for her many accomplishments, including the review of the construction permit for the SHINE Medical Technologies facilities, leading the development of the agency’s accident tolerant fuel plan and modernizing NRR’s workload management processes and metrics.

She has held several senior management positions in NRR, including serving as deputy director, Division of Policy and Rulemaking; deputy director, Division of Risk Assessment; and director, Division of Safety Systems. She also has expertise in international risk assessment and safety analysis.

Prior to joining the NRC, she served on the University of Maryland faculty, having led the first Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development international standard problem for computation fluid mechanics.

Gavrilas earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Maryland and a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is a graduate of NRC’s 2014 Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

12/15/2020 Summary of Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding a Planned Request for an Exemption to Reduce the Frequency of Updates to Its Inservice Testing and Inspection Programs (EPID L-2020-LRM-0089)

Subject:  12/15/2020 Summary of Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding a Planned Request for an Exemption to Reduce the Frequency of Updates to Its Inservice Testing and Inspection Programs (EPID L-2020-LRM-0089)

ADAMS Accession No.:  ML20351A283

Monday, December 21, 2020

TMI-2 License transferred


In the Matter of:
SOLUTIONS, LLC                                                         December 18, 2020
(Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2)

Re: Notification of Closing of TMI-2 Transaction

E201218t031028_TMI-2 Closing Notification.pdf

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Opinion: Three Mile Island Cleanup Needs to be Fully Funded, ( Morris & Epstein, 12/14/20)

Opinion: Three Mile Island Cleanup Needs to be Fully Funded

Dear Editor:

We are writing in regard to the recent announcement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(“NRC)” to grant approval, without a hearing, to FirstEnergy to transfer TMI-2’s license to Energy
Solutions, a limited liability corporation from Utah with no assets. We speak in opposition to such a

Before explaining our concerns, let us tell you a little about the writers.

Eric Epstein became involved with Three Mile Island issues in December 1982 after he
returned home from college. He was 23, and joined the Susquehanna Valley Alliance. Epstein has
been the spokesperson or Chairman of Three Mile Island Alert since 1984. TMI-Alert, a safe-energy
organization founded in 1977, monitors the Peach Bottom, Three-Mile Island and Susquehanna
nuclear power plants. Mr. Epstein has conducted research and provided testimony relating to
decommissioning, decontamination, and emergency planning before the NRC. He attended many of
the TMI Advisory Panel meetings.

Read more

TMI Opinion.docx

"How to do Independent Monitoring at Nuclear Power Plants" with Mr. Eric Epstein

 "How to do Independent Monitoring at Nuclear Power Plants" with Mr. Eric Epstein https://youtu.be/Y0MCBjUjQJQ

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Testimony: Re: Three Mile Island & Water Use, (Susquehanna River Basin Commission, December 11, 2020)

TMIA Testimony, (12_11_20) (1).pdf

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 - Emergency Preparedness Biennial Exercise Inspection Report 05000277/2020501 and 05000278/2020501

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 - Emergency Preparedness Biennial Exercise Inspection Report 05000277/2020501 and 05000278/2020501

ADAMS Accession No.  ML20352A174

Exelon Generation Company, LLC -Alternative Request for Documentation of Replacement of Pressure Retaining Bolting

Subject: Exelon Generation Company, LLC -Alternative Request for Documentation of Replacement of Pressure Retaining Bolting

ADAMS Accession No. ML20350B558


2020/11/30 NRR E-mail Capture - Susquehanna -Acceptance Review Replacement Of Unit 1 Transformers

Subject:  2020/11/30 NRR E-mail Capture - Susquehanna -Acceptance Review Replacement Of Unit 1 Transformers

ADAMS Accession No. ML20335A573


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action: Peach Bottom One-time Exemption App. B Sect. VI.C.3.(I)(1) Force on Force [COVID-19] (EPID No. L-2020-LLE-0192)

SUBJECT:  Acceptance of Requested Licensing Action: Peach Bottom One-time Exemption App. B Sect. VI.C.3.(I)(1) Force  on Force [COVID-19] (EPID No. L-2020-LLE-0192)

ADAMS Accession No.  ML20324A647


Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2 - Emergency Preparedness Biennial Exercise Inspection Report 05000387/2020501 and 05000388/2020501

Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2 - Emergency Preparedness Biennial Exercise Inspection Report 05000387/2020501 and 05000388/2020501

ADAMS Accession No.  ML20323A217


Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 - Exemption from Annual Force-on-Force Exercise Requirement of 10 CFR Part 73, Appendix B, "General Criteria For Security Personnel," Subsection VI.C.3.(l)(1) (EPID L-2020-LLE-0192 [COVID-19])

Subject:  Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 - Exemption from Annual Force-on-Force Exercise Requirement of 10 CFR Part 73, Appendix B, "General Criteria For Security Personnel," Subsection VI.C.3.(l)(1) (EPID L-2020-LLE-0192 [COVID-19])

ADAMS Accession No. ML20325A017

Monday, December 14, 2020

NRC Unveils New Web Design Enhancing Usability and Mobility

Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 20-060 December 14, 2020
CONTACT: Ivonne Couret, 301-415-8200

NRC Unveils New Web Design Enhancing Usability and Mobility

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission unveiled its redesigned public website, offering a more modern look for users, providing a streamlined experience, improving functionality, and enhancing security. The site is also mobile-friendly, enabling improved access via smartphones and tablets.

The updated site uses a new Cloud-based content management system, which makes it easier for staff to maintain online information and improves the consistency, quality and timeliness of the NRC information. The CMS tracks the site’s more than 30,000 webpages and 60,000 files in Adobe Portable Document Format. The site also links directly to documents in the online Agencywide Documents Access and Management System.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 - Documentation of the Completion of Required Actions Taken in Response to the Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Accident

Subject:  Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station, Units 2 and 3 - Documentation of the Completion of Required Actions Taken in Response to the Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Accident

ADAMS Accession No.:   ML20339A397

Before the Susquehanna River Basin Commission Testimony of Eric J. Epstein, December 11, 2020

TMIA Testimony, (12_11_20).pdf

Friday, December 11, 2020

Summary Of November 13, 2020, Meeting With Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding A Planned Request For An Alterantive To Certain Documentation Requirements For The Replacement Of Pressure Retaining Bolting (EPID-L-2020-LRM-0102)

SUBJECT:  Summary Of November 13, 2020, Meeting With Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding A Planned Request For An Alterantive To Certain Documentation Requirements For The Replacement Of Pressure Retaining Bolting (EPID-L-2020-LRM-0102)

ADAMS Accession No.  ML20342A352

Thursday, December 10, 2020

This Friday, Dec 11, 8:30-9:30 a.m. EST join a ZOOM for conversation with Eric Epstein /Three Mile Island

Meet Three Mile Island Alert, Inc., Chairman Eric Epstein​​​​​​​

West coast’s SLF is excited to host an online conversation with longtime safe-energy advocate Eric Epstein. Epstein is chairman of Three Mile Island Alert, Inc., in Harrisburg, Penn., a group he founded in 1977 to monitor the Peach Bottom, Susquehanna, and Three Mile Island Nuclear generating stations.

Zoom Meeting with Eric Epstein
Friday at 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. (EST), Dec. 11th
>>  Link to Register  <<

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to join the meeting.

In addition to his work with Three Mile Island Alert, Inc., Epstein coordinates EFMR Monitoring, Inc., a nonpartisan, community-based organization established in 1992. EFMR monitored radiation levels at Peach Bottom and Three Mile Island nuclear generating stations, invested in community development, and sponsored remote robotics research. For more then 35 years, Epstein has specialized in research, litigation and has provided expert testimony on the following nuclear issues.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Summary of November 4, 2020, Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding A Planned Request for an Alternative to Reduce the Frequency of Updates to Its Inservice Testing and Inspection Programs

Subject:  Summary of November 4, 2020, Meeting with Exelon Generation Company, LLC Regarding A Planned Request for an Alternative to Reduce the Frequency of Updates to Its Inservice Testing and Inspection Programs

ADAMS Accession No. ML20323A033

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

NRC Approves License Transfer for Three Mile Island, Unit 2

Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 20-058 December 2, 2020
CONTACT: David McIntyre, 301-415-8200

NRC Approves License Transfer for Three Mile Island, Unit 2

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved the transfer of the license for the Three Mile Island Generating Station, Unit 2, from FirstEnergy Companies to TMI-2 Solutions.

FirstEnergy Companies, comprising Metropolitan Edison Co., Jersey Central Power and Light Co., Pennsylvania Electric Co. and GPU Nuclear Inc., requested the transfer for TMI-2 Solutions to complete the decommissioning of the unit. TMI-2 Solutions is a wholly owned subsidiary of EnergySolutions, a Utah-based radioactive waste disposal company.

The TMI-2 reactor, located approximately 10 miles southeast of Harrisburg, Pa., operated for approximately six months before suffering reactor core damage on March 28, 1979. Subsequently, about 99 percent of the fuel and damaged reactor core material was removed and shipped to the Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory, and in 1993 the plant was placed in a Post-Defueling Monitored Storage status. The license currently authorizes only possession of byproduct and special nuclear materials remaining at the reactor.

The NRC review determined that the proposed transfer complies with NRC regulatory requirements, provides reasonable assurance that public health and safety will be protected, and is not detrimental to the common defense and security.

The approval is effective immediately, and the license will be amended to reflect the new ownership once the sale of Unit 2 is completed.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Dave Marcheskie
Three Mile Island Generating Station

Sirens to sound for three minutes at 12:15 p.m.

LONDONDERRY TWP, Pa (November 30, 2020) — Exelon Generation will conduct its semi-annual, full volume test of the emergency warning sirens surrounding Three Mile Island (TMI) Generating Station on December 3 at approximately 12:15 p.m. 

This will be the final siren test for TMI Unit 1. Although TMI Unit 1 permanently shut down on September 20, 2019, the siren system remains in operation in accordance with local, state and federal emergency planning requirements. In January 2021,  those emergency procedures and processes will be discontinued as part of the decommissioning process.

The emergency warning siren system consists of 96 sirens located in parts of Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon and York counties within a 10-mile radius of TMI. The sirens are not a signal to evacuate, but a warning to tune to a local emergency alert broadcast television or radio station. County emergency management authorities activate the sirens, which can be used in the event of any emergency, including severe weather.