Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Incident Chronology at Susquehanna Steam Electric Station in Berwick

Feb. 14, 2014 - The NRC issued a report of its quarterly inspection of Units 1 and 2 for the period October through December 2013. In the report, the NRC found three findings of very low safety significance treated as non-cited violations. There also was a licensee-identified violation determined to be of very low safety significance.

One finding involved procedures that could complicate an internal flooding event. Specifically, the NRC said procedures from PPL, the plant operator, “directed operators to enter a flooded room to assess the extent and source of the flooding,” an action that could flood adjacent rooms. PPL entered the matter into its corrective action program.

The second finding was PPL’s failure to ensure that all testing needed to demonstrate the performance of various systems was “identified and performed in accordance with written test procedures.” Specifically, the NRC noted, PPL “did not ensure that secondary containment integrity was tested in all required configurations.”

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