Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Incident Chronology at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Plant: 1974 - 2014

March 2, 2015 - Joseph Tolle awakened to see a refrigerator still plugged into the wall, swinging above his head. The refrigerator had been on a shelf situated 8 feet high in the security office in the watchtower. The former armed security officer described how that shelf and part of a wall collapsed, causing the refrigerator to fall on his head. "I woke up on the floor and was dizzy and had a headache. My back was hurting. I was knocked unconscious for a period of time," the 26-year-old from Lancaster testified during a Feb. 18 workers' compensation hearing in Lancaster. Tolle was working for Exelon Corp.'s Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station in southern York County when the October incident occurred<http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2014/11/peach_bottom_security_guard_to.html>. The company had denied his initial claim and so Tolle is pursuing his claim before Judge Robert J. Goduto at a workers' compensation hearing. During the hearing, both parties presented Tolle testified about the incident, had his medical history combed through and explained his current condition. Tolle and Exelon can settle before the judge holds a final hearing in July.

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