Friday, October 11, 2024

NRC ignores government climate warnings on nukes

Beyond Nuclear Bulletin
October 10, 2024


GEIS ignores climate change

On October 7, 2024, Beyond Nuclear and Sierra Club filed a Petition for Review to the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia challenging the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) new final rule to restrict environmental review standards for Initial License Renewal of 40 to 60 years and an additional 20-year license extension under the Subsequent License Renewal process for 60 to 80 years of operation. The Petitioners contend that under the National Environmental Policy Act and Administrative Procedures Act, NRC may not lawfully apply their conclusions for a mandatory Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) in the NRC license renewal proceedings because they are irrational, unreasonable, incomplete, unsupported, and arbitrary and capricious, particularly by ignoring climate change impacts (see story below).

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Appeals on CISFs continue

On October 4, the Supreme Court of the U.S. granted certiorari on appeals brought by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), DOJ, and both dump companies targeting Texas and New Mexico for highly radioactive waste consolidated interim storage facilities. These Petitioners are challenging a ruling by the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, which vacated NRC's license approvals for Interim Storage Partners, and Holtec. 
Beyond Nuclear and environmental allies have consistently lost their appeals at the D.C. Circuit. The State of NM likewise lost at the 10th Circuit based in Denver. But Fasken Land and Minerals, and the State of TX, have won rulings at the 5th since August 2023. Oral arguments will likely be in early 2025.

Ignores climate warning

On September 27, 2024, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC) Chairman Christopher Hanson dismissed the findings of an April 02, 2024 U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report [GAO-24-106326], "Nuclear Power Plants: NRC Should Take Actions to Fully Consider the Potential Effects of Climate Change.” The government report warns the NRC to incorporate climate data projections into its licensing and factor climate crisis impacts on reactor safety. The Chairman concluded that the agency does not need to additionally project climate impacts in its current day-to-day oversight and licensing of reactor operations. In fact, NRC's environmental review process only looks at carbon emissions impacts of reactor operations on climate and not climate impacts on reactor safety as a consequence of more severe and frequent climate driven events.

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Coalition intervenes against MI nuke restart

By the October 7 deadline, five environmental groups petitioned to intervene and requested a hearing in their effort to block Holtec's application to restart the closed for good Palisades atomic reactor, located on southwest Michigan's Great Lakes shore. The scheme is unprecedented, unneeded, extremely high risk for health, safety, and the environment, and insanely expensive for the public. 

The coalition includes Beyond Nuclear, Don't Waste MI, MI Safe Energy Future, Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS), and Three Mile Island Alert (TMIA).NEIS points out Palisades threatens Lake Michigan, the drinking water supply for 16 million people, including the City of Chicago. TMIA hopes to nip zombie reactors in the bud, as Three Mile Island Unit 1 is next in line.

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