Thursday, October 17, 2024

Amazon and Energy Northwest announce plans to develop advanced nuclear technology in Washington

Amazon and Energy Northwest announce plans to develop advanced nuclear technology in Washington

News Release

RICHLAND, Wash. – Amazon (Nasdaq; AMZN) and Energy Northwest, a public power agency leading in the development of next-generation nuclear technologies, today announced an agreement to fund efforts to move toward development and deployment of small modular reactor (SMR) technology in Washington state to advance reliable energy across the Northwest.

As the demand for energy resources continue to rise, Energy Northwest and Amazon recognize the urgent need to develop advanced technologies in the Pacific Northwest that provide reliable, carbon-free and sustainable energy generation. SMRs offer a promising solution to that need through scalable and flexible energy output.

Through the agreement, Amazon will fund the initial feasibility phase of an SMR project, which is planned to be sited near Energy Northwest's Columbia Generating Station nuclear energy facility in Richland, Washington.

“As a member of Washington's business community, Amazon is committed to investing in new nuclear energy technologies that can help power our operations and provide net-new, safe sources of carbon-free energy to the grid," said Kevin Miller, Amazon's Vice President of Global Data Centers. “We're proud to be working with Energy Northwest, a utility company that's also thinking big about meeting society's growing energy demands while addressing climate change. This new SMR project is a significant step toward Amazon's Climate Pledge commitment to reach net-zero carbon across our operations by 2040, and signifies our continued dedication to becoming a more sustainable company."

“We are excited about this collaboration with Amazon and are impressed with their vision for helping develop new nuclear technologies and their desire to also make this resource available to utilities in the future," said Greg Cullen, Vice President for Energy Services & Development at Energy Northwest. “We've been working for years to develop this project at the urging of our members, and have found that taking this first, bold step is difficult for utilities, especially those that provide electricity to ratepayers at the cost of production. We applaud Amazon for being willing to use their financial strength, need for power and know-how to lead the way to a reliable, carbon-free power future for the region."

The SMRs will be the Xe-100 design, a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor developed by X-energy, a global leader in advanced nuclear reactor and fuel technology. Each Xe-100 module can provide 80 megawatts of full-time electricity. Energy Northwest and X-energy have engaged extensively on plans for an Xe-100 facility since 2020.
Under the agreement, Amazon will have the right to purchase electricity from the first project (four modules), which is expected to generate 320 megawatts (MW) of energy capacity. Energy Northwest has the option to further build out the site by adding up to eight additional modules (640 MWs) resulting in a total project generating capacity of up to 960 MWs. This additional power will be available to Amazon and northwest utilities to power homes and businesses.

As the owner and operator of Columbia Generating Station, the Pacifi​c Northwest's only nuclear generating facility, and as a developer and operator of additional clean energy and storage resources, Energy Northwest is well-equipped to develop this project.

This collaboration between Energy Northwest and Amazon demonstrates the power of public-private partnerships in driving innovation and accelerating the progression of sustainable energy solutions. It also paves the way for public power entities to develop and build future SMRs to help meet the region's growing energy demands.

Amazon press release

X-energy press release 

Media Kit 
Additional Attributable Quotes

"One of the greatest concerns for community-owned electric utilities is having access to reliable sources of electricity that fulfill carbon-free energy mandates. Advanced nuclear fits the bill. This bold partnership between Energy Northwest and Amazon will help pave the way for additional nuclear development in our region and represents a critical step toward achieving a clean and dependable electric grid."
-Kurt Miller, Executive Director, Northwest Public Power Association

“It is essential that American energy, American technology and American innovation continues to set the standard for the rest of the world. Our community is poised to become the center of that innovation, for everything from information, energy and agricultural technologies. These opportunities will positively shape the future of our nation, our state and our families' lives. 

However, without the electricity to attract industry and grow our communities, our collective goals will never be realized. Investments like these, where end-users, government and industry step up to the plate and help build the critical infrastructure that will propel us all into the future is an investment that cannot be understated. 

The Central Washington Building Trades Unions have worked tirelessly to grow and train the skilled workforce of the next generation. The future of our community will be built by talented Building Trades Union members and their families that live here.

The way I see it we must have two things, the people to build the future and the energy to power it. The Central Washington Building Trades is committed to supply the next generation of skilled crafts to build the future and this investment represents an important commitment to power it."
-Nickolas A. Bumpaous, President Central Washington Building Trades and Business Manager for UA Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 598

“The Pacific Northwest region will need a remarkable amount of electricity to meet a projected increase in demand due to data center development, high-tech manufacturing growth and the continued trend toward electrification. At the same time, the region is on a path to reducing carbon emissions to address the disastrous effects of climate change. The path must include many solutions, like dependable generation that can back-up variable wind and solar power resources to assure an adequate, reliable power supply. Energy Northwest's pro-active decision making and partnership with Amazon makes substantial progress toward modernizing and decarbonizing the region's power system."
-Crystal Ball, Executive Director Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee

"Amazon's announced investment in small modular reactors gives me hope for the future of the Northwest power grid. Under 100% non-emitting electricity requirements, nuclear power is the only technology capable of reliably delivering the massive amounts of around-the-clock energy our society needs, while also positioning utilities to meet aggressive electrification goals. I am ecstatic and deeply grateful to Amazon for their bold and visionary leadership."
-Rick Dunn, General Manager, Benton Public Utility District

Media contacts:

Energy Northwest:

Kelly Rae

Corporate Communications



Erika Reynoso

Corporate Communications

About Energy Northwest       
Energy Northwest is a Washington state public power joint operating agency and a premier provider of carbon-free electricity. Energy Northwest comprises 29 public power member utilities, serving more than 1.5 million customers, and provides its members and regional customers with safe, reliable, cost-effective, responsible power generation and innovative energy and business solutions. The agency owns and operates hydroelectric, solar, battery storage, wind and the Northwest's only nuclear power facility. Energy Northwest also actively supports transportation electrification and new generation projects to the benefit of public power.        

About Amazon
Amazon is guided by four principles: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. Amazon strives to be Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company, Earth's Best Employer, and Earth's Safest Place to Work. Customer reviews, 1-Click shopping, personalized recommendations, Prime, Fulfillment by Amazon, AWS, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle, Career Choice, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Amazon Echo, Alexa, Just Walk Out technology, Amazon Studios, and The Climate Pledge are some of the things pioneered by Amazon. For more information, visit and follow @AmazonNews.​

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