Wednesday, August 28, 2024

NRC Proposes $9,000 Civil Penalty Against Alliance Healthcare Services

Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: III-24-025 August 27, 2024
Contact: Viktoria Mitlyng, 630-829-9662 Prema Chandrathil, 630-829-9663

NRC Proposes $9,000 Civil Penalty Against Alliance Healthcare Services

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has proposed a $9,000 fine to Alliance Healthcare Services, in Irvine, California, for violating requirements associated with the control of NRC- regulated material.

The violation involved the failure to maintain security and control of two germanium-68 sealed sources from a mobile medical unit at a repair facility in August 2023, resulting in the loss of both sources. The sources remain missing; however, the potential impact to the public remains low. Ge-68 is used with nuclear imaging equipment for diagnostics applications.

The NRC was notified of the event and conducted an inspection from August 2023 to April 2024. Details of the inspections and the proposed violation were documented in a May report. Alliance responded to the violation, documenting their corrective actions and actions taken to prevent a recurrence. The NRC concluded that the company’s information and actions in response to the violation is adequate and compliance with NRC requirements has been addressed.

The company has 30 days to pay the proposed penalty, contest the penalty in writing, or request alternative dispute resolution with the NRC to resolve this issue.

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