Saturday, August 31, 2024

[decomm_wkg] 9/3/24 Higher Burnup; 9/5/24 NEI Security Plan; 9/11/24 Alternative Security

NEI Security Plan partially closed meeting 9/5/2024

Document Title:20240905 NRC Staff Review of Proposed Changes in NEI 03-12, Revision 8, Security Plan Template No Notes Meeting Slides
Document Type:Meeting Briefing Package/Handouts
Slides and Viewgraphs
Document Date:09/05/2024
9:00AM -
11:00AM ET
Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is for the NRC staff to provide initial feedback to the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) regarding proposed changes in Revision 8 to NEI 03-12, Security Plan Template. [more...]

Participation: Partially Closed

TeleconferenceJesse Rollins
(817) 200-1431

Justin Vazquez
(301) 415-0530

Security Check - Phone it in - Push for Remote Security - 9/11/2024

Document Title:09/11/2024 Alternative Physical Security Requirements for Advanced Reactors Rulemaking: Public Comment Period
Document Type:Meeting Notice
Meeting Agenda
Document Date:08/27/2024
1:00PM -
4:00PM ET
Meeting info
The purpose of this meeting is to present the published proposed rule alternative physical security requirements for advanced reactors (non-light water reactors and small modular reactors). This meeting will also allow an opportunity for stakeholders to ask clarification questions to help understand the proposed rule and to develop any public comments. [more...]

Participation: Information with Q&A

WebinarDennis Andrukat
(301) 415-3561

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