Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Press Release
No: III-18-005 February 28, 2018
Contact: Viktoria Mitlyng, 630-829-9662 Prema Chandrathil, 630-829-9663
NRC Finalizes White Finding at Clinton Nuclear Power Plant
The NRC has notified Exelon of its final determination that an inspection finding related to a degraded condition on a safety-related pump at the Clinton nuclear power plant has low to moderate safety significance.
The issue was identified during an inspection conducted June 15 – Dec. 28, 2017. NRC inspectors determined that the plant’s failure to identify a condition that could negatively impact the proper operation of a safety pump resulted in its failure. NRC inspectors have verified that the pump has been repaired.
Clinton has been under increased NRC oversight since the third quarter of 2017 due to a previous finding of low to moderate safety significance. The finding involved the plant’s failure to evaluate the suitability of installing new electrical components on an emergency diesel generator room ventilation fan. The modification resulted in the diesel generator being inoperable for a period of time that exceeded requirements. NRC inspectors reviewed the plant’s actions to resolve the issue.
Clinton will remain under increased oversight until NRC inspectors conduct independent reviews to verify that Exelon has fully understood the causes for both findings and has taken sufficient action to prevent recurrence.
The single-unit plant, operated by Exelon Nuclear Generation Co., is located in Clinton, Ill., about 23 miles southeast of Bloomington, Ill.
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