Tuesday, March 20, 2018

DEP Seeks Public Comment on CAFO Discharge Draft Permit

Dept. of Environmental Protection

Commonwealth News Bureau
Room 308, Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg PA., 17120


Neil Shader, DEP

DEP Seeks Public Comment on CAFO Discharge Draft Permit
Comments on draft PAG-12 will be accepted until February 20, 2018

Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is accepting public comments on a draft general permit, PAG-12, that is intended to provide NPDES permit coverage to persons operating concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) in Pennsylvania. The current PAG-12 General Permit expires on March 31, 2018.

“The proposed changes to the PAG-12 will streamline and clear up some requirements for farmers, while also improving water quality by strengthening protections for storage and leak detection,” said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell. “These new requirements are designed to make it easier for farmers to continue to be good stewards of the environment while operating their animal operations.”

DEP is proposing some changes to PAG-12:
•    Electronic submission of Annual Reports, when required by DEP
•    Annual inspections of earthen storage facilities and leak detection systems
•    Changing the reporting period from “calendar year” to “crop year” (October 1 – September 30)
•    Updated forms to comply with EPA requirements and elimination of duplicative and conflicting requirements

The draft permit also proposes a $500 annual fee, as well a $500 Notice of Intent (NOI) fee. These fees would be paid to the Clean Water Fund for the purpose of supporting DEP’s pollution control efforts.

Other changes are described in the draft fact sheet for the PAG-12 General Permit, which can be found on the DEP eLibrary with the other PAG-12 materials: http://www.elibrary.dep.state.pa.us/dsweb/View/Collection-13794

Interested persons are encouraged to submit comments using DEP’s online eComment system at www.ahs.dep.pa.gov/eComment. Written comments should be submitted by email to ecomment@pa.gov or by mail to the Department of Environmental Protection, Policy Office, Rachel Carson State Office Building, P.O. Box 2063, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2063. All comments must include the originator’s name and address.

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