On July 21, 2014, the Waste Confidence Directorate provided the Commission with the draft final documents for the Continued Storage rulemaking (formerly Waste Confidence). These documents are called “draft” final documents because until the Commission reviews and approves them for publication, they are not truly final—the Commission could approve, modify, or disapprove these documents. These documents are not for public comment, however, the NRC is releasing them to the public in accordance with Commission procedures. The draft final rulemaking documents can be accessed in the Agencywide Documents Access Management System (ADAMS):
· SECY-14-0072: Final Rule: Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (RIN 3150-AJ20) – ADAMS Accession No. ML14177A474 Ã
· Final Rule: Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (Federal Register notice) – ADAMS Accession No. ML14177A477 Ã
· NUREG-2157, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Final Report – ADAMS Accession No. ML14188B749 Ã
All three documents can also be accessed on the Waste Confidence website homepage:
Please note that in response to public comments, the NRC staff is proposing to change the title of the rulemaking from Waste Confidence to Continued Storage. For an explanation of this proposed change, please see Section IV, Issue 4, in the draft final Federal Register notice, or Section D.2.1.4 in Appendix D of the draft final NUREG-2157. Similarly, we direct you to Appendix D for information about how the staff proposes to respond to comments received on the proposed rule and draft generic environmental impact statement.
These documents are not for public comment.
Thank you,
Staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Waste Confidence Directorate

On July 21, 2014, the Waste Confidence Directorate provided the Commission with the draft final documents for the Continued Storage rulemaking (formerly Waste Confidence). These documents are called “draft” final documents because until the Commission reviews and approves them for publication, they are not truly final—the Commission could approve, modify, or disapprove these documents. These documents are not for public comment, however, the NRC is releasing them to the public in accordance with Commission procedures. The draft final rulemaking documents can be accessed in the Agencywide Documents Access Management System (ADAMS):
· SECY-14-0072: Final Rule: Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (RIN 3150-AJ20) – ADAMS Accession No. ML14177A474 Ã
· Final Rule: Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (Federal Register notice) – ADAMS Accession No. ML14177A477 Ã
· NUREG-2157, Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Continued Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel – Final Report – ADAMS Accession No. ML14188B749 Ã
All three documents can also be accessed on the Waste Confidence website homepage:
Please note that in response to public comments, the NRC staff is proposing to change the title of the rulemaking from Waste Confidence to Continued Storage. For an explanation of this proposed change, please see Section IV, Issue 4, in the draft final Federal Register notice, or Section D.2.1.4 in Appendix D of the draft final NUREG-2157. Similarly, we direct you to Appendix D for information about how the staff proposes to respond to comments received on the proposed rule and draft generic environmental impact statement.
These documents are not for public comment.
Thank you,
Staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Waste Confidence Directorate
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