Sunday, November 21, 2021

ACT NOW! Tell the Senate to CANCEL Nuclear Subsidies in the BBBA Inbox

 NIRS Nuclear Information and Resource Service Logo For a Nuclear-Free Carbon-Free World Logo

Dear Eric,

Breaking! This morning, the House of Representatives passed the Build Back Better Act which still includes over $35 billion in nuclear bailouts for corrupt corporations. Now the bill heads to the Senate where we have one more chance to STOP the nuclear bailout!

Tell the Senate “No Nuclear Subsidies in the Build Back Better Act!”

The BBBA is our once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest in real climate solutions and environmental justice. Speak up and demand that your Senators remove the nuclear subsidies once and for all and take action towards a just transition to a 100% renewable energy future - carbon-free and nuclear-free.

Demand that your Senators CANCEL the Nuclear PTC and Invest BBBA Dollars in a Just Transition to 100% Renewable Energy

Take Action

Thank you and be well,

The NIRS Team

Diane D'Arrigo

Denise Jakosberg

Tim Judson

Ann McCann

Hannah Smay

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