Monday, November 30, 2020

NRC Fast-Tracks Three Mile Island's License Transfer Without Hearing; OK's Transfer of $900 Million to Limited Liability Company in Utah, (11/30/20)

Subject: NRC Fast-Tracks Three Mile Island's License Transfer Without Hearing; OK's Transfer of $900 Million to Limited Liability Company in Utah, (11/30/20)

Friday, November 20, 2020

NRC Issues Confirmatory Order to Arizona Public Service Company

Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: IV-20-024 November 18, 2020
Contact: Victor Dricks, 817-200-1128

NRC Issues Confirmatory Order to Arizona Public Service Company
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued to Arizona Public Service Co. a Confirmatory Order, documenting mutually agreed upon actions to implement programs designed to address regulatory compliance issues that contributed to two apparent violations of NRC requirements. APS operates the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station in Tonopah, Ariz.

The apparent violations involved the company’s failure to (1) perform a written evaluation for a change to a dry cask storage system used for spent nuclear fuel and obtain a license amendment for the way they performed accident calculations and (2) adequately analyze the consequences of a hypothetical accident involving a cask tip over on the independent spent fuel storage installation pad. The apparent violations of NRC requirements are described in a July 6 NRC inspection report.

Company officials requested the Alternative Dispute Resolution process with the NRC to discuss corrective actions. The process uses a neutral mediator with no decision-making authority to assist the NRC and its licensees in reaching an agreement.

Following a Sept. 16 meeting with company officials, the NRC issued the Confirmatory Order documenting actions that the company has agreed to take.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

NRC Fines TVA More Than $900,000 for Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant Violations; Cites Three Individuals for Their Roles in the 2015 Incident

Nuclear Regulatory Commission - News Release
No: 20-054 October 27, 2020
CONTACT: Scott Burnell, 301-415-8200

NRC Fines TVA More Than $900,000 for Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant Violations; Cites Three Individuals for Their Roles in the 2015 Incident

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued notices of violation and three civil penalties totaling $903,471 to the Tennessee Valley Authority, and issued violations to two managers and a plant operator for their roles in a 2015 incident.

The enforcement actions are the result of an NRC investigation into events that occurred during and after the startup of Watts Bar Unit 1 following a maintenance outage in November 2015. During the startup, operators failed to follow plant procedures and subsequently failed to properly document their actions in the control room log. Shift managers also failed to review the logs to ensure their accuracy.

Through numerous inspections, interviews, and predecisional enforcement conferences over more than four years, the NRC identified five TVA violations associated with non-conservative decision making, procedural violations, and incomplete and/or inaccurate information regarding the events provided by the utility to the NRC.

TVA and the three cited individuals have 30 days to respond to the NRC’s enforcement actions.

Footnote: Supporting documents will be available through the NRC’s electronic document database, ADAMS.

Exelon Generation Company, LLC - Review Of Quality Assurance Program Changes (EPID L-2019-LLQ-0003)

Exelon Generation Company, LLC - Review Of Quality Assurance Program Changes (EPID L-2019-LLQ-0003)

ADAMS Accession No. ML20287A130


Three Mile Island:  Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 – NRC Inspection Report No. 07200077/2020001

Three Mile Island:  Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1 – NRC Inspection Report No. 07200077/2020001


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Fire barrier at Susquehanna nuclear plant discovered to be composed of "combustible material", (NRC Fire Inspection, 10/27/20)

Edwin Lyman

This is nuts:  @NRCgov cited the Susquehanna #nuclear plant in #Pennsylvania after discovering that part of a barrier in place since 1982 intended to protect a diesel-powered fire pump from a 3-hour fire was actually composed of a combustible material (!)

12:37 AM · Oct 30, 2020·Twitter Web App

Fire Inspection report, (NRC, 10_27_20).pdf