The U.S. Green Building Council Is Pleased to Present:
Dickinson College, Holland Union Building, Carlisle PA
7:30am - 6:00pm March 17th
GreenCon is the region’s premier green building conference & expo and this year’s theme is resiliency. This is a great opportunity for both professionals and students to explore new avenues for a resilient future.
Free admittance to all high school & college students!
Students from all disciplines will benefit!
Environmental Studies Sustainability Studies Business/Marketing Biology Environmental Science Community Development Business Political Science Architectural Design Advocacy Engineering And More!
Keynote Speaker Alex Wilson, Founder of BuildingGreen, Inc. and President of the Resilient Design Institute
More than 30 companies in the exhibition hall
For more info, contact Eileen Reavey
Director, Central Pennsylvania Region Check out our new website!
U.S. Green Building Council
1519 N. 3rd St. Harrisburg, PA 17102
P: 717.903.9818 I E:
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