Sunday, May 31, 2015

PA DEP News Release : 27 Pennsylvania Counties Remain in Drought Watch

27 Pennsylvania Counties Remain in Drought Watch
Lack of precipitation major factor

HARRISBURG, PA -- Despite the recent precipitation events, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is maintaining a drought watch for 27 counties across Pennsylvania because parts of the state have below-average groundwater and in some areas surface water levels.

“We are still recovering from a very dry fall and below-normal precipitation this winter,” Acting DEP Secretary John Quigley said. “These factors have contributed to low groundwater and surface water levels mostly in the northeast and central portions of the state.”

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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Help stop new rules on PA solar. Please sign MAREA petition.

MAREA horizontal logo

Please  sign MAREA petition urging the PUC to stop new rules on PA solar.

Right now, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission is reconsidering new rules affecting those who have or want solar. The public has until Wednesday, May 27 to provide input. Read more about PA PUC's proposed rules.

In July of last year, the PA PUC proposed new rules affecting those who have or want solar. Joining the efforts of clean energy advocates across the state, MAREA submitted signatures and comments from more than 650 individuals and small business owners. Thank you! The PA PUC heard us and responded with revisions to the proposed rules. Even with revisions, however, the proposed rules present areas of real concern. Please help continue to urge the PA PUC to support clean energy development in PA with rules that are fair, simple and environmentally responsible.

Please sign MAREA petition urging the PA PUC to stop new rules on PA solar.

(It's quick, easy...and important. Your information will NOT be shared with others.)

Redacted DOE Plutonium Disposition Report Obtained, Gives Details of $47.5 Billion to $110.4 Billion Yet to be Spent on Plutonium Fuel (MOX) Boondoggle, Finished in 2059 to 2115

Savannah River Site Watch
For Immediate Release
May 9, 2015

Redacted DOE Plutonium Disposition Report Obtained, Gives Details of $47.5 Billion to $110.4 Billion Yet to be Spent on Plutonium Fuel (MOX) Boondoggle, Finished in 2059 to 2115

Aerospace Report Affirms that MOX Project at SRS Not Sustainable at Current Funding Level

“Plutonium Disposition Study Options Independent Assessment” linked here:

Columbia, SC-- A long-awaited report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on costs for two methods of plutonium disposition was released to some members of the public by Congress late on Friday afternoon, May 8. The redacted report provides details on the skyrocketing cost estimate for the problem-plagued plutonium fuel (MOX) project now under construction at DOE’s Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina, one of the costliest U.S. Government construction projects ever undertaken.

The report confirms what Savannah River Watch has been saying -that the current funding level of $345 million per year has placed the project on a shut-down track. The report, using the term “real year” (RY) for equivalent cost in future years, states that the MOX plant “construction cannot be completed at current (FY14) funding level (350M RY$/year cost cap on construction/capital) and the assumed escalation rates (4% construction and capital, 2% labor).”

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Energypath Scholarships

Energypath is the region's largest sustainable energy event attracting industry professionals, policymakers and academia throughout the region and across the United States.

Energypath is a week-long event consists of a three day pre-conference energy camp and a two day conference.  The energy camps are hands-on training in renewable energy technologies such as wind, solar pv, biomass, and micro-hydro.  You can attend all or just part of the event to receive the scholarship. A scholarship will cover meals, housing, an energy camp, and the conference.

To assist you, the Sustainable Energy Fund is proud to provide full scholarships to students and educators on a first come, first serve basis to attend Energypath 2015 at University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania July 20th through July 24th.

To register and learn more about Energypath 2015 call 610-264-4440, visit Energypath 2015 Scholarships.

Register now! Time and space are limited.  Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!

Public Input Hearings: PPL's proposed $167 million rate increase; hearings scheduled for June 2 in Harrisburg and June 4 in Allentown

May 12, 2015

Public Utility Commission v. PPL Electric Utility Corporation

Rate Increase
Public Input Hearing Notice

This is to inform you that Public Input Hearing(s) on the above-captioned case will be held as follows:

Type:              Telephonic, In Person and Video Broadcast Public Input Hearing
Date:               Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Time:              1:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Location:        Hearing Room1
                       Commonwealth Keystone Building
                       400 North Street
                       Harrisburg, PA  17120

 PUC Website:

Presiding:         Administrative Law Judge Susan D. Colwell
                         PO Box 3265
                         Harrisburg, PA  17105-3265
                         Phone: 717.787.1399
                         Fax: 717.787.0481
Complainants, who wish to testify at the telephonic public input hearing, must contact the Office of Consumer Advocate (OCA) by Thursday, May 26, 2015, at 5:00 p.m., to provide your name, telephone number, and the topic of your testimony.  You may call the OCA toll free at 1-800-684-6560 or 1-717-783-5048. Beginning at 1:00 p.m. & 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 2, 2015, consumers will testify in the order they signed up.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call this office.

If you have any hearing exhibits to which you will refer during the hearing, 3 copies must be sent to the Administrative Law Judge and 1 copy each must be sent to every other party.  All copies must be received at least 3 days before the hearing.

Except for those individuals representing themselves, the Commission's rules require that all parties have an attorney; therefore, you should have an attorney of your choice file an entry of appearance before the scheduled hearing.

If you are a person with a disability, and you wish to attend the hearing, we may be able to make arrangements for your special needs.  Please call the scheduling office at the Public Utility Commission at least five (5) business days prior to your hearing to submit your request.

If you require an interpreter to participate in the hearings, we will make every reasonable effort to have an interpreter present.  Please call the scheduling office at the Public Utility Commission at least ten (10) business days prior to your hearing to submit your request.

· Scheduling Office:  717.787.1399
· AT&T Relay Service number for persons who are deaf or hearing-impaired:  1.800.654.5988

NRC to Conduct Open House May 21 in Limerick, Pa., to Discuss 2014 Performance of Limerick Nuclear Power Plant

No. I-15-023                                                                                                                     May 13, 2015

Contact: Diane Screnci                                                                        E-mail:
               Neil Sheehan
NRC to Conduct Open House May 21 in Limerick, Pa., to Discuss 2014 Performance of Limerick Nuclear Power Plant

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public open house on May 21 in Limerick, Pa., to discuss the agency’s annual review of safety performance at the Limerick nuclear power plant.

NRC staff will be on hand from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Limerick Township Municipal Building, located at 646 W. Ridge Pike. Agency employees responsible for inspections of the plant, including the Resident Inspectors based at the Limerick (Montgomery County), Pa., site on a full-time basis, will be available to discuss the facility’s performance in 2014 and the agency’s oversight plans for 2015.

Under the NRC’s Reactor Oversight Process, the agency gauges plant performance through the use of color-coded inspection findings and performance indicators, which are statistical measurements of plant performance that can trigger additional oversight if exceeded.

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Friday, May 8, 2015

Three Mile Island News Release

Ralph DeSantis
Three Mile Island Generating Station


Three Mile Island Offline for Electrical System Repairs

LONDONDERRY TWP, PA.  (May 6, 2015) – Operators removed Three Mile Island Unit 1 from service earlier today to repair an electrical component that powers one of the unit’s control rods.  This repair cannot be performed while the plant is generating electricity.
During the course of shutting down the plant, a valve opened allowing steam to be released to the atmosphere.   The steam release was audible to nearby residents. 
Three Mile Island Generating Station is located approximately 12 miles south of Harrisburg.  The plant generates enough carbon-free electricity for 800,000 homes.

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LTR-15-0141 Response to ACE - Limerick Reactor Embrittlement Concerns

NRC Response to Concerns in March 16, 2015, E-Mail From the Alliance for a Clean Environment Regarding Limerick Generating Station, Units 1 and 2.

Download ML15105A096

Callaway fuel store nears completion

Major civil construction work has been completed for an underground dry used fuel storage facility at Ameren's Callaway nuclear power plant in Missouri. The first canisters containing used fuel are scheduled to be put in place in July, Holtec International said.

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Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Combined License for the Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant," Draft Report for Comment and related letters

Document Date:  April 16, 2015

TO: Rocco R. Sgarro, Vice President

FROM:  Jennifer Dixon-Herrity, Branch Chief

SUBJECT: PPL - Notice Of Availability Of The Draft Environmental Impact Statement For The Combined License For Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant. (attached)

ADAMS Accession Numbers:
Letter to the Applicant - ML15078A362
Federal Register Notice – ML15078A398
DEIS letter - ML15090A402
Draft EIS Volume 1 - ML15103A012
Draft EIS Volume 2 - ML15103A025 

Download PDFs
Bell Bend Distribution Packet
NRC Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant
PPL - Notice of Availability of the draft Environmental Impact Statement
Stop Diabetes Image
Stop Diabetes Reb Ribbon Image

NRC Finalizes 'Yellow,' 'White' Inspection Findings for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant; Level of Oversight to be Increased

NRC Finalizes 'Yellow,' 'White' Inspection Findings for Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant; Level of Oversight to be Increased

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NRC Meeting with NEI on April 23 Concering Reactor Decommissioning Select Topics

NRC Meeting with NEI on April 23 Concering Reactor Decommissioning Select Topics

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Regulatory Activities Related to Power Reactors Transitioning to Decommissioning

NRC-Decommissioning Task Force Meeting

Forthcoming Public Meeting with the Nuclear Energy Institute and Industry Representatives to Discuss Current Regulatory Activities Related to Power Reactors Transitioning to Decommissioning (TAC MF3160)

G20110563 - LTR to Lochbaum -- Draft Director's Decision Re 2.206 Petition Re Boiling Water Reactors with Mark I and Mark II Containment Designs

G20110563 - LTR to Lochbaum -- Draft Director's Decision Re 2.206 Petition Re Boiling Water Reactors with Mark I and Mark II Containment Designs

Download ML12215A283