This coming Tuesday submissions for the Mulga Rock uranium mine proposal will close. This will be the last of the uranium mine assessments for a long time - we really need your help to send as many submissions as possible to the EPA. Mulga Rock is home to many rare and endangered species, in a unique part of the Great Victoria Desert. his proposal is for multiple open pits, 15 million litres of water a day, clearing 3,709 ha and leaving behind 30 million tonnes of radioactive tailings. The project is headed up by Vimy Resources - a company made up of former FMG execs, execs from the Minderoo Group, former Liberal MPs and 27% owned by Twiggy Forrest.
Next Friday - 11th March CCWA and Tugg are hosting the WA Premiere screening of Containment, made by two harvard professors, exploring some of the challenging issues about the world's nuclear waste - never has this film been more relevant as the South Australian debate on nuclear has narrowed to a proposal to store international radioactive waste. Book your tickets here: $15 concession, $20 general, $25 solidarity.
Remember to tune in to Understorey – and the Radioactive Show this week for all the latest nuclear and peace news. Thanks to Libby for the ongoing supply of news!
SPECIAL EVENT: Containment Film ScreeningCinema Paradiso - 164 James St Northbridge
Friday 11th March - 5th Anniversary of Fukushima 5.30-730pm
Join us on the 5th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster for the screening of the award winning new documentary film "Containment" by two harvard professors - exploring the very real issue of managing the worlds nuclear waste. Funds raised will go to support the important work of the Rainbow Stay project - offering respite to children from Fukushima. Book your ticket here
ONLINE ACTION: No uranium mine at Mulga Rock Thanks to people like you the EPA has received over 15,000 submissions against the Kintyre, Yeelirrie and Wiluna uranium mine proposals. Now there is one more - Mulga Rock. We need your help again to send a message to the EPA against the uranium mine plans at Mulga Rock an ancient and fragile landscape in the heart of our outback country upstream from the Queen Victoria Springs Nature Reserve. Mulga Rock is home to the unique marsupial mole, sandhill dunnart and brush tailed mulgara. Plans for the mine include clearing 3,709 ha of native vegetation replacing it with 14 waste rock piles and 9 open pits. This mine and processing facility would take up to 15 million litres of groundwater and leave behind 32 million tonnes of radioactive mine tailings. Take Action now.
KARLALMYI WALK: 5th - 12th June 2016 Registrations are open:
"Come with us (Martu) we’ll walk to stop the uranium mining on our country. We’ll walk through Karlamilyi, not far, across Karlamilyi river. Walk through Lullapakujarra up to Punumullara then to Puljcatja - big water, up to Desert Queen Baths and then Kintyre."
WALKATJURRA WALKABOUT: August 2016 (stay posted for details)
BUMP IS BACK: Next BUMP collective meeting - 15th March 6pm st Clancy's fish bar in Fremantle.
film by an international film maker Rez - following the 2015
Walkatjurra Walkabout will be available soon for people to host a film
screening with your friends and family. Contact Lucy p.lucyhancock@gmail.com or Marcus marcus@footprintsforpeace.orgVOLUNTEER: Australia Nuclear Free Alliance 2016
We are starting early with plans for a major event in Kalgoorlie in September 2016. We are looking for volunteers to get involved in making this event the show stopper of the campaign we need ahead of the 2017 state election. Call Mia to find out more - 0415380808
Coalition digs deeper into fossil fuels with new “growth centre”The
federal government has announced the establishment of a $15.4 million
fossil fuel “growth centre”, to help prop up Australia’s oil, gas, coal
and uranium sectors during what it describes as a “challenging time” for
the industry.http://reneweconomy.com.au/2016/coalition-digs-deeper-into-fossil-fuels-with-new-growth-centre-82395
Ben Parr: Fossil fuel growth centre harks back to old ideas about climate costsDo fossil fuels need saving from efforts to combat climate change? The Australian government seems to think so, but that sort of thinking is out of date.On Wednesday, the minister for industry, innovation and science, Christopher Pyne, launched a new “growth centre” for Australia’s fossil fuel industry (and uranium), to be known as National Energy Resources Australia. The government will invest A$15.4 million over four years in the centre, which seeks to make coal and gas firms operating in Australia more competitive with fossil fuel firms operating overseas.https://theconversation.com/fossil-fuel-growth-centre-harks-back-to-old-ideas-about-climate-costs-55433
Cutting Climate Science, Funding Fossil Fuels’ Growth: Welcome To The Age Of InnovationJust weeks after we learned budget cuts to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) will force the loss of 110 climate researchers at the agency, the Federal Government is funding a new ‘growth centre’ for the fossil fuel industry.Christopher Pyne, the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, announced this week that the government will be providing $15.4 million to the oil, gas, coal and uranium sectors.https://newmatilda.com/category/the-insider/(Read the 24/2/16 media release ‘Energy Resources Growth Centre launched’ on Christopher Pyne’s web site at: https://www.pyneonline.com.au/media-centre/media-releases/energy-resources-growth-centre-launched.)
A New Era of Collaboration for Oil, Gas and Energy Resources in Australia24 February 2016. The newly established National Energy Resources Australia (NERA), which is one of six Growth Centres that form part of the Australian Government’s $248 million Industry Growth Centres Initiative, is set to enable growth through industry-led collaboration, innovation and knowledge-sharing. ...The National Energy Resources Australia (NERA) enables growth in the oil, gas, coal and uranium sectors through industry-led collaboration, innovation and knowledge-sharing. NERA is one of six Growth Centres as part of the Australian Government’s $248 million Industry Growth Centres Initiative. NERA is headquartered in Perth, with nodes in Brisbane and Adelaide to come. The NERA headquarters is co-located with the Western Australian Energy Research Alliance (WA:ERA), and the National Resource Sciences Precinct (NRSP), at the Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC) in Technology Park, Perth. NERA will work with the oil, gas, coal and uranium sectors to unlock commercial opportunities and drive innovation by building links between businesses and industry organisations, training providers and the science and research sector. Its role is one of facilitation, networking, activation not duplication.http://www.nera.org.au/content/new-era-collaboration-oil-gas-and-energy-resources-australia(Recommended reading:
Ben Parr: Fossil fuel growth centre harks back to old ideas about climate costsDo fossil fuels need saving from efforts to combat climate change? The Australian government seems to think so, but that sort of thinking is out of date.On Wednesday, the minister for industry, innovation and science, Christopher Pyne, launched a new “growth centre” for Australia’s fossil fuel industry (and uranium), to be known as National Energy Resources Australia. The government will invest A$15.4 million over four years in the centre, which seeks to make coal and gas firms operating in Australia more competitive with fossil fuel firms operating overseas.https://theconversation.com/fossil-fuel-growth-centre-harks-back-to-old-ideas-about-climate-costs-55433
Cutting Climate Science, Funding Fossil Fuels’ Growth: Welcome To The Age Of InnovationJust weeks after we learned budget cuts to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) will force the loss of 110 climate researchers at the agency, the Federal Government is funding a new ‘growth centre’ for the fossil fuel industry.Christopher Pyne, the Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, announced this week that the government will be providing $15.4 million to the oil, gas, coal and uranium sectors.https://newmatilda.com/category/the-insider/(Read the 24/2/16 media release ‘Energy Resources Growth Centre launched’ on Christopher Pyne’s web site at: https://www.pyneonline.com.au/media-centre/media-releases/energy-resources-growth-centre-launched.)
A New Era of Collaboration for Oil, Gas and Energy Resources in Australia24 February 2016. The newly established National Energy Resources Australia (NERA), which is one of six Growth Centres that form part of the Australian Government’s $248 million Industry Growth Centres Initiative, is set to enable growth through industry-led collaboration, innovation and knowledge-sharing. ...The National Energy Resources Australia (NERA) enables growth in the oil, gas, coal and uranium sectors through industry-led collaboration, innovation and knowledge-sharing. NERA is one of six Growth Centres as part of the Australian Government’s $248 million Industry Growth Centres Initiative. NERA is headquartered in Perth, with nodes in Brisbane and Adelaide to come. The NERA headquarters is co-located with the Western Australian Energy Research Alliance (WA:ERA), and the National Resource Sciences Precinct (NRSP), at the Australian Resources Research Centre (ARRC) in Technology Park, Perth. NERA will work with the oil, gas, coal and uranium sectors to unlock commercial opportunities and drive innovation by building links between businesses and industry organisations, training providers and the science and research sector. Its role is one of facilitation, networking, activation not duplication.http://www.nera.org.au/content/new-era-collaboration-oil-gas-and-energy-resources-australia(Recommended reading:
- Read more about the new Industry Growth Centre Initiative here: http://www.business.gov.au/advice-and-support/IndustryGrowthCentres/Pages/default.aspx;
- Read more about the National Energy Resources Australia (NERA) Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Centre and download the National Energy Resources Australia factsheet at:http://www.business.gov.au/advice-and-support/IndustryGrowthCentres/Pages/GC-Oil-Gas-and-Energy-Resources.aspx and
- Read about the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services (METS) Growth Centre & download the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services(METS) factsheet at:http://www.business.gov.au/advice-and-support/IndustryGrowthCentres/Pages/GC-Mining-Equipment-Technology-and-Services.aspx)
Lots of links to media stories on the delegation of 20 people to Canberra yesterday - representatives from each of the six nominated sites for a national nuclear waste dump went to Canberra to meet with politicians to express their opposition to the nomination process and to hosting the nations most dangerous wastes.
Lots of links to media stories on the delegation of 20 people to Canberra yesterday - representatives from each of the six nominated sites for a national nuclear waste dump went to Canberra to meet with politicians to express their opposition to the nomination process and to hosting the nations most dangerous wastes.
Anica Niepraschk: 'Community consent' without community?
29 February 2016. The federal government - once again - is looking for a place to dump its nuclear waste. All attempts over the last twenty years have failed – and so might this one, at least if the government is sticking to the promises it made in its new approach.
22 Feb 2016. The Labor and Liberal parties have voted together against a senate motion acknowledging the community opposition to each of the six locations shortlisted as a site for a nuclear waste dump.
"It's not as though this motion asked a lot of the government, but for the opposition to cower from it is disappointing and weak," Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Nuclear Issues Spokesperson Senator Scott Ludlam said today.
MAPW Media Release: Failure of informed consent? Government information on nuclear waste is misleading and omits important facts.
Monday 22 February 2016 – MELBOURNE: Nuclear medicine has been highlighted as a key reason to have a nuclear waste repository. MAPW President, Dr Margaret Beavis observes that ‘The Commonwealth government fact sheet: Information for communities- Key questions answered is a gross misrepresentation and reads more like a puff-piece for the nuclear industry. The recently released brochure states “One in two Australians – everyone who has ever had a broken bone, heart scan or cancer diagnosis – will need nuclear medicine at some point in their lifetime. “
Geoff Currie: Nuclear medicine comes from nuclear reactor
The anti-nuclear brigade's argument that you don't need nuclear reactors to produce nuclear medicine is factually inaccurate.
Flinders Ranges communities divided over whether to host Australia's planned nuclear waste dump
Communities in South Australia's Flinders Ranges remain deeply divided over whether nuclear waste should be stored near Hawker
Traditional owners in the Flinders Ranges say nuclear waste dump threatens cultural heritage
Traditional owners in the Flinders Ranges say a Federal Government nuclear waste dump could destroy significant cultural heritage and countless sacred sites around a permanent spring.
Jobs, nuclear waste concerns face SA Government ministers on Port Augusta, Quorn visit
The future for regional employment will be high in residents' minds at a public forum at Port Augusta on Sunday evening, ahead of a South Australian Government country cabinet meeting at Quorn on Monday.
John Spoehr: SA’s Nuclear Waste Boom: A Hot Story Requires Cool Heads
February 26, 2016. As the alluring prospect of a nuclear waste storage boom fades a little in our minds, attention needs to turn to the risks associated with large–scale radioactive waste storage.
Michele Madigan: Nuclear waste danger knows no state borders
09 February 2016. The South Australia Royal Commission into the nuclear fuel cycle will give its interim report at the Adelaide Town Hall at 6pm next Monday 15 February.
How a nuclear dump could save SA's environment
State Labor whip Tom Kenyon continues to advocate for a nuclear storage facility - arguing the billions generated could safeguard the state's national parks and revive its agricultural land.
State Labor whip Tom Kenyon continues to advocate for a nuclear storage facility - arguing the billions generated could safeguard the state's national parks and revive its agricultural land.
Dick Smith nukes talk of “cheaper” alternative energy in Far North
ELECTRONICS business founder Dick Smith says the Mt Emerald Wind Farm won’t make any difference to energy costs in the Far North.
Global wind power capacity tops nuclear energy for first timeThe capacity of wind power generation worldwide reached 432.42 gigawatts (GW) at the end of 2015, up 17 percent from a year earlier and surpassing nuclear energy for the first time, according to data released by global industry bodies.
Stigmatize and Prohibit: New UN Talks on Nuclear Weapons Start Today21 Feb 2016. ... The United Nations Secretary-General has said, "There are no right hands for the wrong weapon". But many in the international community often act with implicit acceptance of American, British, French, Russian, and Chinese nuclear weapons.
The "Humanitarian Initiative", however, is challenging this implicit acceptance. Through a series of international conferences on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons and a formal pledge to "fill the legal gap for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons" endorsed by 123 governments, non-nuclear weapon states are working to stigmatize, prohibit and eliminate nuclear weapons.
United Nations Working on Legalisation of Absolute Nuclear Disarmament
February 22, 2016. United Nations is fighting its way to legalise absolute nuclear disarmament. The decision was made after North Korea’s nuclear weapon test in January, as well as the United States’ mock test for more usable nuclear weapons.
Mexico issues alert after theft of radioactive material
Five Mexican states have been put on alert after a truck carrying a container of potentially dangerous radioactive material was stolen, the Interior Ministry says.
Five Mexican states have been put on alert after a truck carrying a container of potentially dangerous radioactive material was stolen, the Interior Ministry says.
Radiation from Fukushima nuclear disaster not found in B.C. salmon
Feb. 23, 2016. Five years after the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, radioactive contaminants continue to circulate across the Pacific to Canada’s West Coast, but not at dangerous levels.
China Inc.’s Nuclear-Power Push
In a shift, Chinese state-owned companies seek to roll out advanced reactors for export, a move that adds new competition for already struggling global firms.
Feb. 23, 2016. SHENZHEN, China—China wants to shift from customer to competitor in the global nuclear industry as it seeks to roll out its first advanced reactor for export, a move that adds new competition for already struggling global firms.
http://www.wsj.com/articles/china-inc-s-nuclear-power-push-1456251331 & http://www.pressreader.com/belgium/the-wall-street-journal-europe/20160224/282020441365372/TextView
Negotiations over establishment of Dabaa nuclear plant ongoing: Minister of Electricity
February 21, 2016.Egyptian minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Mohamed Shaker, said the ministry is still negotiating with Russia’s Rosatom over technical, financial, and technological agreements to establish the first Egyptian nuclear power plant in the Dabaa area.
France pledges more compensation for Polynesia nuclear tests.
22, 2016. Residents of French Polynesia who suffered due to 30 years of
French nuclear tests in the Pacific archipelago have a legitimate right
to compensation, President Francois Hollande said on his first visit to
the region on Monday.
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-nuclear-idUSKCN0VV1XW & http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/t/-3609697215988297247
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-nuclear-idUSKCN0VV1XW & http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/t/-3609697215988297247
R** The End of the Nuclear Age
Feb 24, 2016. Even before the Fukishima disaster, it was clear that nuclear power was dangerous, unreliable and too risky for civil use. The growth of renewable energy is now rendering them obsolete, argues Handelsblatt's energy expert.
Picking Up the Nuclear Tab
Feb 23, 2016. A leaked draft report on Germany's exit from nuclear power recommends the nation's four big utilities foot the €19.7 billion bill for decommissioning their power plants - but any costs above that may be carried by taxpayers.
German nuclear exit plan fails to solve waste storage puzzle
Feb 23, 2016. When Germany committed itself five years ago to phasing out nuclear power by 2022, there was one big gap in its plans -- what to do with the waste that can remain toxic for hundreds of thousands of years.
Nuclear commission proposes firms transfer cash by 2022 to pay for clean-up
Feb 22, 2016.BERLIN Feb 22 (Reuters) - Germany's utilities will have to transfer provisions set aside to pay for the interim and final storage of nuclear waste to a fund in cash by 2022, according to a draft report from a government-appointed committee seen by Reuters on Monday.
How American Penalties Dwarf the Liability US Nuclear Firms Will Face in India
Feb 21, 2016. A $48-billion (Rs 3.26 lakh crore) penalty claimed by the US government from Volkswagen for cheating on diesel-car emissions is about 200 times as large as the $225 million (Rs 1,500 crore) insurance pool set up by Indian insurance companies to compensate US nuclear companies for mishaps in India.
Former TEPCO bosses indicted over handling of 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster
Three former TEPCO executives have been indicted over their handling of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, in what is the first criminal trial linked to the crisis
Charges near for former TEPCO executives over Fukushima nuclear disaster.
February 26, 2016. Lawyers on Feb. 29 are expected to indict three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Co. on charges of professional negligence resulting in death and injury in connection with the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster.
http://ajw.asahi.com/article/0311disaster/fukushima/AJ201602260087 & http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/t/-633648703360789807
3 ex-TEPCO execs to face indictment Monday
February 26, 2016. Three former top executives of Tokyo Electric Power Co. will be indicted Monday over the triple reactor meltdown at the company's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, court-appointed lawyers serving as prosecutors said Friday.
TEPCO discovers after 5 years that it could have quickly declared Fukushima plant meltdown
February 25, 2016. Nearly five years later, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Feb. 24 that it has discovered a guideline in its operational manual that would have allowed it to announce meltdowns in the nuclear disaster in only days instead of the two months it actually took.
5 Years Later, the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Site Continues to Spill Waste
March 1, 2016. The cleanup effort could take decades; meanwhile the amount of radioactive material the plant leaks grows
Five years on, Greenpeace assessing marine contamination off Fukushima.
Greenpeace is surveying waters near the Fukushima plant, dredging up sediment from the ocean floor to check both for radiation hot spots as well as places that are not contaminated
http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/02/26/national/five-years-greenpeace-assessing-marine-contamination-off-fukushima/#.VtK5o-blwim & http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/t/-5209117700639668001
TEPCO begins burning radiation-tainted work clothes at Fukushima plant
February 26, 2016. OKUMA, Fukushima Prefecture--Tokyo Electric Power Co. has started to incinerate the thousands of boxes of lightly contaminated waste, including clothing used by workers, at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant to reduce the amount of tainted waste on the site.
TEPCO: Step forward to contain radioactive water
The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says it will soon be able to stop the influx of radioactive water at some parts of the plant's reactor facility.
TEPCO nears 'deep freeze' of soil wall at Fukushima plant
February 21, 2016. Packed with bulky silver pipes and freezing equipment, Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s plant to freeze underground soil at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant is ready to start chilling.
NRA commissioner suggests plan to remove all fuel debris at Fukushima plant may not be best option
FUKUSHIMA – A Nuclear Regulation Authority commissioner has suggested that removing all fuel debris from reactors at the meltdown-hit Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant may not be the best option.
For some Fukushima mothers, protecting children from radiation comes at heavy price
February 23, 2016. Three-and-a-half years after fleeing to central Japan, a mother received a package from her husband who had opted to remain at their home in Fukushima Prefecture despite the nuclear disaster.
Japan Olympic teams to train in nuclear clean-up zone
22 February 2016. Japan's Olympic football teams will train for the Tokyo 2020 Games at a complex currently being used as a base for thousands of workers cleaning up the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.
Japan’s nuclear reactor restarts anger Minami Soma mayor
One video made him one of the most well-known faces of the Fukushima nuclear crisis.
No bliss in this ignorance: the great Fukushima nuclear cover-up
20th February 2016. The Japanese were kept in the dark from the start of the Fukushima disaster about high radiation levels and their dangers to health, writes Linda Pentz Gunter. In order to proclaim the Fukushima area 'safe', the Government increased exposure limits to twenty times the international norm. Soon, many Fukushima refugees will be forced to return home to endure damaging levels of radiation. http://www.theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2987222/no_bliss_in_this_ignorance_the_great_fukushima_nuclear_coverup.html
Takaama No.4 reactor restarted
The operator of a nuclear power plant in central Japan has put one of its reactors back online.
Storm brewing over nuclear energy programme
A storm that has been brewing over the Department of Energy’s nuclear energy programme and PetroSA could erupt, reports News24.
Joemat-Pettersson wants nuclear under IPP office
The 9 600 MW nuclear procurement programme should be run by the Independent Power Producer's (IPP) office, Minister of Energy Tina Joemat-Pettersson said on Tuesday.
Nuclear deal might push SA into junk
Things aren’t looking up for Africa’s second largest economy, with markets on edge awaiting the country’s budget speech, on February 24.
S. Korea rejects calls for nuclear armament, says its committed to nonproliferation
Feb 23, 2016. South Korea is firmly committed to nuclear nonproliferation.
That's according to Seoul's foreign ministry, which on Tuesday dismissed calls for the country to build its own nuclear arsenal to counter North Korea's nuclear and missile threats.
Screening truffles for radioactivity 30 years from Chernobyl
Swiss and German researchers have analysed Burgundy truffles collected in central Europe and found they contain only negligible amounts of radioactive caesium, being safe for consumption.
Trident rally is Britain's biggest anti-nuclear march in a generation
Thousands of protesters including Jeremy Corbyn and other party leaders gather in London for CND march and rally
UK new nuclear plan will fail without private investors, says Horizon chief
14 Feb 2016. Britain cannot just rely on state-backed enterprises like EDF and its Chinese partners to build a fleet of new nuclear reactors, Alan Raymant warns
Lawsuit targets Duke Energy Florida, FPL over higher rates for nuclear power projects
February 23, 2016. A class-action lawsuit was filed against Duke Energy Florida and Florida Power & Light Co. alleging the monopoly electricity providers force millions of Florida customers to pay unlawful charges in connection with their electricity rates to fund the companies' nuclear power plant projects, some of which have been abandoned.
Nuclear industry bemoans Clean Power Plan stay
February 23, 2016. WASHINGTON, D.C. — For an industry that said it was ignored by the Clean Power Plan, nuclear interests sure took it hard when the Supreme Court halted the rule earlier this month.
Entergy rebuffs latest NY plan to save FitzPatrick nuclear plant
February 23, 2016. SCRIBA, N.Y. – The state Public Service Commission said today it is working on plans to provide financial assistance to the FitzPatrick nuclear plant in a desperate attempt to keep the plant from shutting down.
Efficacy of compensation program for nuclear workers under scrutiny
Feb 22, 2016. ...Since Congress passed the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act in 2000, the government has spent $12 billion in financial restitution for more than 100,000 workers whose onset of cancer, beryllium disease, neurological disorders and other ailments is a result of careers in the more than 300 nuclear facilities across the country. ...
But the program has come under scrutiny lately. An investigation by the McClatchy DC news service found that fewer than half of the people who have applied for benefits have received them, and workers’ complaints are often suspended in the complex process of paperwork or court hearings, with some claims languishing in the system for up to 10 years.
Hanford contamination spread across public highway
February 21, 2016. The Environmental Protection Agency has called the uncontrolled spread of small amounts of radioactive waste at Hanford “alarming” after a Nov. 17 windstorm.
Whistleblowers Call for Inquiry into LANL Employee’s Death
Feb 2, 2016. Three Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) whistleblowers have called for a renewed investigation into the 2002 death of the lab’s former Deputy Director of Operations, Richard Burick. Steve Doran, Glenn Walp, and Chuck Montaño, along with Nuclear Watch New Mexico, have sent their appeal to the New Mexico District Attorney. They cite the Project On Government Oversight’s review of Montaño’s book, and additional interviews POGO conducted with Lab sources.
Nuclear waste dumped illegally in Ky.
Drilling wastes containing concentrated but naturally occurring radio active materials made their way into Kentucky, state officials confirmed on Thursday.
http://www.courier-journal.com/story/tech/science/environment/2016/02/25/nuclear-waste-dumped-illegally-kentucky/80924622/ & http://www.environmentalhealthnews.org/t/-5209117700639667963
Low-level radioactive waste illegally dumped in Estill landfill, state official says
Material generated from oil and gas drilling, not a nuclear plant
Some waste might have gone to a Greenup County landfill, too
Material might be dug up and removed but there are risks
Mia Pepper
Conservation Council of Western Australia · 2 Delhi St, City West Lotteries House, West Perth, Western Australia 6005, Australia
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You can also keep up with Mia Pepper on Twitter.
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